Mitzie Statum "Spirit of Goodwill" Memorial Scholarship

Mitzie Statum "Spirit of Goodwill" Memorial Scholarship

This fund was started in 2011 in memory of Mitzi Statum by her parents, Joseph and Alma.  Proceeds from the fund are used for an annual recognition of a Talawanda High School Special Needs student demonstrating goodwill toward their classmates and promoting  positive relationships in class and with personnel during their high school years. This student should display a strong desire to succeed.


- A Talawanda High School Special Needs senior.

- The selection of the recipient shall be made by a Guidance Counselor and a teacher in the Special Education Program, based on letters of recommendation from other teachers and staff at Talawanda High School.

- The award will be used to defray expenses the honoree will incur pursuing educational, vocational or employment opportunities upon graduation from Talawanda High School. Disbursements shall be pursuant to the Scholarship payment policy of the OCF.

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